Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Establishing One’s Self-Image: Are we aware of it?

Like any other human demands, one thing we surely find essential for our development as human beings is a firm, established and well-founded sense of self. An indispensable concept we tend to live with unnoticeable, self-concept, seems to be our very own holding, should I say, resource as we strive to explore and take part in the society. The way I perceived it, as plot a course in our lives, the most precious thing we can keep for ourselves is our self-concept. Viewing the world self-interestedly, we always tend to regard ourselves as the “kernel” of any group or society we belong to. Anyway, it is like our tool we utilize to secure our existence and membership in the society. It appears then that it is our way to present ourselves as significant as possible, to keep ourselves relevant and imperative.

In relation to the aforementioned reality bits, there arises a need to foster a definite self-image. As we dwell on the topics in the class and as I have read the articles provided, I found this need very complicated to practice. It’s just that there are really lots of things to consider, various ways to mull over. The discussions made me aware of the existing ideas I didn’t know at all, or that I have been practicing them but I just don’t know what they are. For an instance, the spotlight effect is something that is indeed very evident in some of us. Unknowingly, this might be the very reason behind our never ending worries of how we look like, how people perceive us and the like. Funny as it may seem, but it may be the reason why we spend most of our time improving our appearance to look appealing and pleasant to other people when in fact they may not even pay attention to us. I had my first eyeglass last September at EO. Afterwards, my family and I went to my Aunt’s house. I was really preoccupied by the idea that I was wearing my eyeglass and that they will notice it. The day passed but then they didn’t actually catch sight of it. There are really times when we perceive ourselves as if we are worth noticing to other people when in actual fact they are also paying attention to how other people perceive them.

Oftentimes, we underestimate our anonymity. If we perceive ourselves significant, so do other people to themselves. We also get arrested by our worries whenever we commit mistakes when in fact others may hardly notice it and soon forget it. For an instance, when I was in junior high during our Home Economics class, I accidentally broke a mixing bowl. Worried that my group mates remembered what had happened, I asked them ‘bout it last semestral break and surprisingly, they actually could not recall the event. It will not be a strange thing if one considers this to contribute to the twist and turns of our lives. It somehow adds colours to our existence as we engage in our society, as we participate in our world.

However, conflicts may arise if one perceives a strong sense of self as self-absorbed and self-seeking. I have this good friend of mine who is definitely regarded as stubborn by everyone. He actually does not consider ideas from other parties and just stick to what he knows is good. As I perceive his personality, evident when time comes that I have to talk to him about the matter, he seems to be very insensitive or conceited to himself alone. He regards other people as insignificant as they can be. Poor little guy, as far as I know him, for he does not know how to handle his strong belief in himself.

Shifting gears, the goodness of a well-established self-concept is that it is accompanied by lots of personality aspects we need to be equipped with to successfully engage into our own perceived worlds. To weigh things regarding a strong sense of self surely matters. It is like a compelling force to deal with however, a controllable one. Self-image is what we create, conceive and present to our fellows. It does not only reside within ourselves but is very reflective when we involve ourselves to a lot of encounters. How we view ourselves affects every aspect of our daily lives though at times we are unmindful of it.

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Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sine qua non: Persuasive Call for Action

Rising sea levels, increased rainfalls and flooding, heat waves, droughts and wildfires, crop failures and spreading of contagious diseases…

To what forces do we attribute these adversities? Are they mere natural occurrences? Think again…

Earth is indeed facing a disastrous end. Aforementioned events are just signals of a long-term rise in the world’s condition. For years it has been a question as to what might have caused these life-threatening episodes we experience, not realizing that the activities we perform essentially lead to these destructive phenomena. Yes, we have successfully identified it, the global warming, but we always tend to skirt the issue and live our lives the way we want it. We burn gasoline, coals and other fossil fuels inefficiently for energy; we cut down trees for paper industries without even replacing it; we utilize meats incompetently; we intervened natural processes of our ecosystems; all actions invading, all destructive. We keep on exploiting the environment as if we don’t know what the outcomes will be. Global warming is truly not just a natural occurrence but rather the consequence of our activities. We regard ourselves as far the most advanced group and yet we are not able to recognize how our existence and way of living distress other life forms inadvertently. We think we might belong to the predicted extinction of species that could be driven about by the tremendously worse effects of our undertakings but do we make actions regarding it.

While the humankind has the ability to obliterate, we can also act to sustain and preserve our planet in general. Unless it has been clear to our minds that our concern here is how we can stop the world from approaching its end, we will never learn to appreciate the very essence of life. While scientists dwell on this big deal issue for remediation, we, ordinary individuals can make a change by ourselves. Resolutions are like ABCs; by reducing carbon and green gas emissions, by driving less, by using energy-efficient lamps, by cutting down garbage, frequently using dishwashers and dryers, by recycling papers, by limiting use of plastics, by consuming farm fresh goods, and by using nontoxic cleaning products. Enacting these simple activities will surely not relegate the quality of our lives. These will even alleviate our dilemmas that seemed to be out of our control. It is by the time that we make our moves that this world will become the best place to live in.

The future is not somewhere we are going. We gently hold it as if it is an infant too delicate to handle; we mold it as if it is a glass too fragile to hold with; and we craft it as if our whole existence depends on it. In this real story of life, let us not serve as villains who will drive Earth near its end. A paradigm shift is what we need. Endure the pain of sacrifices and enjoy the goodness of life in return as we attempt to extend years of existence to our planet.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Ferdinand Marcos: A Comparative Analysis to Niccolo Machiavelli’s The Prince

Our inevitable quest of exploring and understanding the human nature led us to scores of discovery, each with their own significance and application. What has become the most immensely studied entity in the society when one deals with human nature is the idea of leadership. By this, one who wishes to become the leader makes use of various strategies to win the position and in turn, direct, organize and secure his constituents, the government and everything in the realm. Case studies have notably discussed and demonstrated why we people through time delved into the idea of leadership so as to secure our survival.

Political leaders from the earlier periods up to the contemporary times significantly in one way or another posed and established their own identities, positively or negatively affecting their subjects. Governed by their precepts in accordance to the norms accepted by the society or influenced by prominent ideologies, they lead respective subordinates and the whole the social order in turn to achieve progress. The late President Ferdinand Emmanuel Edralin Marcos, twice elected to the presidency before he declared martial law and seized dictatorial powers in 1972, contributed both promotional and ruinous impacts for the economy, the society, and the political institutions of Philippines.

Batas Militar, exposing each and every detail of Marcos’ reigning years, showed very profound manifestations of the political realism in a society by Niccolo Machiavelli. Exercising his sovereign power for almost twenty years, he has established the essence in practice of the so called prince according to Machiavelli. By all means, one can then deduce that what has governed Marcos’ authoritarian leadership during his term and what he has become too attested Machiavelli’s Political Realism. In this regard, politics are to be analyzed from the viewpoint of politics alone. To our concern, Marcos’ political activities classifying him as the local Machiavellian need to be examined purely the way it have been, limited by the political scope.
Ferdinand Marcos was born on 11th day of September, 1917 in Sarrat, Ilocos Norte. During the Second World War, he served as an officer in the Philippine armed forces, claiming afterwards that he had led a guerrilla unit, the Maharlikas, against the Japanese. Nevertheless, he has done a little or none at all to the anti-Japanese activities. He was elected as a representative for his province as a Liberal party candidate to the Philippine Parliament, considered as the youngest member of the House. After successive re-elections in the House, he shifted to the Senate, even achieving topmost of the votes in 1959. He switched his allegiance to the Nationalista Party after his nomination from the former party was not supported. Still, he won the presidency on 1965. Giving words of improving living conditions of most neglected Filipino groups and non-gentries, he was the first president of the Philippines to win a second term.

Nevertheless, a number of domestic dilemma rose which included increasing crime rates, violence, student oppositions and relative social unrests prevailed in the country. There has been an active widespread recruitment among the urban and rural poor for the Communist Party of the Philippines and other movements against the current administration. The New People’s Army, a CPP military wing, has started massive conscriptions even among the youth. Reasons for his pursuance of constitutional convention thus became evident to not abolish the two-term limit for the presidency so as not to leave the position after 1973. As Machiavelli asserted, the ruler’s respective virtues do not lie on the ideal assets and qualities but are rather related to the acquisition of power and in turn preservation of it. This is basically the real world concept and practice in the political field, that emphasis are being given on what the rulers actually do and not what they should do ideally.

Rulers, as described by Machiavelli, should be well-equipped of the intricate and irrational art of politics. Likewise, Marcos established his own force and effective deceiving skills in his struggle for power. Niccolo Machiavelli, whose wirings in the statecraft have led his name to association with cunning and imprudence, is known for being a political philosopher, statesman and historian. His work, The Prince, unlike any other documents of his time, deals with the realistic accounts for the governance’s success. While the rest in the classical period suggested good and ideal qualities for a leader, he (Machiavelli), proposed and developed concepts the other way around. A well-organized and established government according to him should possess cunning, dishonesty and deception. His idea, however, is inapplicable to the present setting as it would definitely subject the leader to his downfall.

Marcos made use of several tactics to cover up his plunder of the national wealth and resources. As political upheavals arise, he utilized strategies like unprecedented violence and clever propaganda to weaken the oppositions. Throughout his term, legally administered or not, Marcos practiced the necessity for corruption so as to preserve his stay in the office. As Machiavelli have indicated in his writings, the leader must do anything to keep his colleagues and most especially, his subjects in general to remain faithful to him by imposing the need of the state for his leadership.To hasten the economic development and mostly, to establish good image to the country, President Marcos implemented a number of economic programs. This started the role of deception for from at this point on, he gazed in awe at the trust and loyalty that the people gave him just so he could take advantage of them in return. When the people realized other side of the leader, he proclaimed the Martial Law, to which in accord to the constitution should be a system of rules imposed to overcome insurgencies to some extent and resolve national disturbances. This, however, led to injustice, in which only his family, relatives and cronies were protected by the said law, who were revealed to have plundered the economy. To keep them in wealth and unassailable power , arbitrary arrest, detention, salvaging and torture were the standard scenes in his later stay in the presidency. By force and fraud indeed, he was able to keep the position in his cruel grip.

He, just like the prince, was able to sustain his authority by preparing sustained armies by his side, literally holding true for his allied forces locally and internationally (US). In this regard, the very aim was to uphold prosperity in the country so as to control as well political upheavals against him. Furthermore, he best personified the characteristic feature of rulers in history like “the fox and the lion”. All endorsed policies in the platform of the contending party against him were uncovered and all opposing powers were unfolded in his unsparing hands to signify the fox. Similar to a lion, he straightforwardly executed various shrewd tactics as mentioned above. Many people either died or were imprisoned for their opposition thus. He was definitely ruthless to his enemies, mastering crafty skills to protect his allies, families and identity. Claiming that the proclamation of the said law was the prelude for the establishment of “Bagong Lipunan”, his family have only practiced corruption with their undeniably lavish lifestyle. Being generous to his colleagues and supporters, the system of “crony capitalism” became evident as they controlled monopolies in industries and the like, breaking the real essence of democracy in the Philippines. He for example gave the authority in handling express ways to Rodolfo Cuenca, banana plantations to Antonio Floirendo, Toyota to Ricardo Silverio, tobacco and food corps. to his mother and San Miguel Corp. to Eduardo Cojuangco.

Lastly, in any society one can think of, subjects would always favour leaders who by all means follow the good norms and custom people prefer the most. As Machiavelli have mentioned in his works, a ruler must show to his subordinates the ideal or should we say, sterling qualities even if it does not reflect the ruler in reality. This is only to entice his subjects, make them believe of his pure or unadulterated goals for the country’s improvement. Marcos appeared to be like this in his stay even more evident when he temporarily disclosed the law when the Pope has arrived.
Indeed, Marcos was the prototype of the cunning political ruler portrayed in The Prince, a local Machiavellian of the Philippines. This subtle analysis, therefore, provides an examination of the levers of power available to absolute rulers, to better understand the political economy of authoritarianism, especially one that had turned the country in despotism.


Background Material for the Online Lecture on “Machiavelli and the Rise of Political Realism”.
Batas Militar (Documentary Film).
Michael Curtis (ed), Great Political Theories vol.1 (New York: Avon Books, 1981). pp. 215-17,
Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
"Niccolò Machiavelli". Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company. 1913.

John Mark Katindig Torres
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