Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Plants in Milestones of Life Experience fervent passion. Unravel the gist of floral gems. Behold the Language of Flowers.

I graduated last April 24 of this year. However, I decided to go back to school and take extra courses to comply with the required units in med schools. I took comparative anatomy, practical botany and human physiology. The following piece is from practical botany; a GE course in natural science. We prepared a video for the said matter.

Long time ago, plants have been associated with human activities may it be as foods, medicine, clothing or part of some sort of rituals and beliefs. Overtime, meanings of their uses have developed great sense and different sentiments during various milestones of life. In an aim to deal with the plants used in milestones of life, we presented how flowers become a way of communicating feelings shared throughout one’s life.
First of all, the question that bothered our group was ‘do flowers have a specific meaning?’. We ended up thinking like it might have all started because they have wonderful colors and because people use them as gestures and symbols for communicating with their loved ones. Whenever there is a special event, to express sympathy, to show how much love you have for someone, or simply by just telling that you are there; all these acts and emotions can be well represented by these beautiful and enchanting colorful bracts and plant organs. In the course of time, traditional meanings may be provided for each and every flower that we have in the world but to know the real message the person likes to convey will always vary. After all, what matters most is the effort and compassion wrapped together with the flowers. Words will still play its role in communication.
We focused on birthday, graduation, courtship, marriage, anniversary, and period of senescence; those which are usual events in once life. We depicted a typical story of an old man reminiscing his times during youth and with his family as he approaches the near death. For every event we portrayed, we used specific flowers and identified their relative significance for that event.
Generally, regarding the main topic of the activity, our class have successfully integrated the important points in the lecture as we explore different plants and their associated uses and meanings may it be in terms of sociology and just mere daily significance in life. We have learned the various plants we associate with religion, superstitious beliefs and the like. Of most, I enjoyed our part. That “Talent Galore” was indeed a great idea for the recit class.
Giving flowers is a powerful way to share our sentiments on those very important events in the lives of our friends and family. While meanings may vary and change, forgotten and taken for granted, the idea itself of giving flowers will always be worth remembering. So, why not send someone you care about some flowers today!

John Mark Katindig Torres
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