Saturday, April 10, 2010


Inspired by Efren Penaflorida's good works, I made this piece on a new perspective about a hero.

Hero. Is he a brave man, a conqueror, an idol for few, or an individual of great deeds? What makes a hero? What must one do to be regarded as a hero? Just few questions that bothered me that for long, I have been enjoying this freedom of speech, expression of one’s thoughts and opinions and a lot more privileges of a freeman, but never did it come to my mind, who were those individuals who might had offered their lives in pursuing such freedom. An attribute as I may say, “hero” is such a one word with scores of definition; of which one base on my perspectives is as follows.

Pondering on aforementioned questions, I ended up realizing that there might be no existing set of rules or criteria in identifying who among the historical figures will bear the label of being a hero. To some extent however, all of our fellowmen regarded as heroes possess some sterling qualities of which patriotism predominates all. They who had their contributions in the process of nation building and the induction of mind awakening events made people realize of the significance of liberty in any possible perspective we can think of. It has been an established idea to all of us that heroes are those who live in the very sense of nationalism, whose aspirations dwell mainly on struggling for freedom. If we are to contemplate on what a hero really means, there arise thus the need to mull over the idea that heroes are not just those who carry with them noble qualities. For me, people whom we encounter everyday can also be considered as heroes. They may not be distinguished for any courageous act or abilities nor admired for heroic deeds, but they who have been doing their jobs to the very best they can, without harming but rather offering best services to other people can also be regarded as a hero. To my concern, there are those people who stay in shadows, out of spotlights, and overlooked everyday but whose existence links the lives of other significant people.

For me, a hero is someone who makes impact to the lives of the people around him. Teachers, policemen, fire fighters, maintenance staffs, electricians, domestic workers and the like are, for me, my heroes. They can teach you to read or write, they can save you in various ways and indeed, they can really make a huge difference in your life. I adore them who fulfil every inch of their profession, every response to the need of the contemporary society. True heroes are the people that do not think about being a hero; they just do what is instinctive to them and then do not delight in the glory of their actions. They are all before our eyes; unappreciated and insignificant yet they play noteworthy roles to improve and extend our lives.

John Mark Katindig Torres


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