Monday, January 24, 2011

Green Thumb

              Early today I have transferred my tomato seedlings from the nursing pots to the soil. It reminded me then the times when I was still in my grade school years cultivating the soil in our backyard and growing vegetables and fruits. I always join my dad whenever he’s to plant trees both in the farm and in our yard. Today, coconut trees serve as natural fence and lot boarders in our compound. I used to have a row for pechay, tomatoes, squash and eggplants of which seeds came from dried fruits and flowers of the said veggies. I also have had a mini-garden with golden bush shrubs, the mayana and oregano herbs, euphorbias and santans. At the middle was a starfruit (balimbing) tree to which I had 2 orchids and red-orange ornament from Bocaue. Honestly, I presume I really have the gardening skill as everybody in our place commends me to have the so-called green thumb. Well I think what inspired me to start planting was my Inang who was at that time enthusiastic to grow crops in her farm. While Tatang’s busy in his ricefield, Inang grew corns, peanuts, string beans, squash and pechays. There were also lady’s fingers (okra), bitter gourds (ampalaya), bottle gourds (upo), sponge gourd (patola) and winged beans (bataw). From the underground tubers and bulbs to low-lying shrubs, from crops with prop roots to green leafy v’s with stunning tendrils , the whole farm created an astounding collection of glittering foliage and nutritious produce. However, I think, as years went by and as she grows older and feeble, she was no longer capable of doing farm activities. The same thing goes for my case as I became engaged to school and other related activities.
            After almost a decade, I am once more into a backyard project [well at least for the moment while waiting for the next academic year, c;]. Last October, my Tatang and I transferred 3 banana suckers in our backyard and one has already bear fruits since late November [though ‘til now, the fruits are not ripe] and it will take atleast 2 months more [sighs]. Our papayas are great. We have harvested many fruits for long same for my calamansi. Right now, am still nursing some ampalaya, squash and bell pepper seedlings, hoping that next week they’ll be ready for transfer.

            The funny thing here is, ironically, while I love growing vegetables, I certainly do not like consuming them [well at least I choose some recognizing the need to have them in my diet]. I eat cabbage, pechay, squash, carrots, tomatoes and water spinach [oh so great, in sinigang or simple blanch], toasted garlic and onions, potatoes and taro. I don’t know why but I just don’t like string beans, ampalaya [well it’s bitter anyway], okra, eggplant, cucumbers and family, mustards and a lot more [laughs]. I was actually raised in a farm but I just don’t have the taste for much of the veggies. All I know is I enjoy growing them, in a detail I know, protecting them from occasional weeds and opportunistic insects  until the right time comes and have them harvested.


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