Saturday, April 30, 2011

Social Awareness- Because WE Can

With the guiding SEP 2011 theme in mind, much was expected from the Social Awareness class. From the very proposal of including the said subject in the list, suggestions poured out on how it will be delivered and the scope it will cover. With limited time though, concerns were sought to be designed for a long-term outputs in character and perspectives of the students.
Film review of Mga Munting Tinig (Small Voices) was included as the introductory part of the subject of which goals were met during the small group discussion. Philippine issues in its own context from an array of aspects were also discussed.
Global warming, as a worldwide environmental concern, was also dealt. To recognize the human activities causing greenhouse gases accumulation and in turn, global warming, an outside activity was designed for the students. The third year high schools were brought to an area near neglected dumpsite outside the ADF. They were allowed to observe the local scenario until some have developed an initiative to clean and segregate the wastes. With an assumption that the visit will induce initiative among students to resolve environmental issues, bamboo sticks were prepared to aid the cleaning activity.

And these are the students of Sapang Palay in action! Because we, in simple ways, can make a change…  

John Mark Katindig Torres  


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