Friday, April 15, 2011

Workshop on Teaching Styles and Classroom Management SEP 2011

In preparation for the fast-approaching Summer Enhancement Program, the very first Workshop on Teaching Styles and Classroom Management was held last April 14, 2011. The objectives of the said workshop were:
1.      To create an awareness of different classroom management styles;
2.      To incorporate new methodologies for a creative and interactive work in classroom teaching; and
3.      Prepare educational aids and modules in compliance with the guidelines and talks.

Just as people have individual learning styles; teachers also have different teaching styles that work best for them. It is imperative therefore for the facilitators to be aware of different approaches in delivering lessons and instructions. Although, there could be no standard approach to teaching, there are surely certain strategies worth-mentioning.

With more than a hundred students to expect during SEP, more than 25 college students volunteered as facilitators and started their free service by participating with the said seminar. All were delighted to have Kamille Legazpi (BA Linguistics, PUP), Glen Lagunsad (BEEd, St. Joseph College), Jessa Carpio (BSEd English, St. Joseph College) and Sidney Garzon (BSEd English, NCBA) as the invited speakers.

The morning part was devoted for teaching strategies, classroom management and different approaches to students. The afternoon session was designed for the actual module preparation wherein the facilitators had their modules checked and consulted with the speakers. All in all, the whole day seminar was filled with enthusiasm, service-inspired talks and fun.

John Mark Katindig Torres


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