Sunday, May 22, 2011

Summer Enhancement Program 2011 Graduation

Just like other culminating activities in ADF, the Summer Enhancement Program 2011 celebrated its success with enthusiasm, overflowing talents and heartfelt messages. Last May 21 marked the completion day of the month-long program guided by an aim to instil amongst students the true meaning of service and worthwhile summer vacation. While it’s essentially the end of the activities, it marked the start to let go of the students imbued not only with intellect but most especially, the values of being socially aware and community-oriented.

A well-rounded ADF scholar is not just a scholarly stud you may know in your schools but is a talented and ardent theatre arts enthusiast. From endearing grade schools to ingenious high schools, rest assured one can count on them.

*Photos courtesy of Ms. Judith Harhues

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Summer Enhancement Program 2011

Once again, a Summer Enhancement Program was successfully held in ADF. With the aid of early planning and initiatives, new features of the said program were initiated. We recognized the need to have a systematic approach to the students during their summer classes, thus, we held, in line with this, the very first Workshop on Teaching Styles and Classroom Management with the volunteer facilitators just a week before the start of SEP.
The guiding curriculum was designed in line with the SEP 2011 theme, Towards a holistic ADF scholar imbued with social consciousness and commitment to the Philippine society. All disciplines were covered from the usual academics (English, Math and Science) to Arts Appreciation and Social Awareness. English classes were divided into Grammar and Speech and Creative Writing Sessions to develop both written and oral communication skills. Computer subject was also included to deal with the technical needs of the students. Personality Development and Theater Arts classes addressed personality aspects of the students in general.
Arts was included to revive and restore the Filipino culture from its waning significance among us youth. During this time also, the students were able to use their freedom of expression and intuition through arts. In an aim to develop social consciousness among all of us, we included the Social Awareness. As part of the Philippine community, in our own simple ways, the students addressed the question, How can we be agents of change?.
Initiatives, as we call it, were also launched during SEP. Among which include the induction of our very own ADF Canteen, Tree Planting, Egg-nancy Test, Human Trafficking Awareness, etc. All ideas came from the young minds of Sapang Palay. Indeed a great way to start an ideal Philippines!

*Photos courtesy of Ms. Judith Harhues

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Social Awareness- Because WE Can

With the guiding SEP 2011 theme in mind, much was expected from the Social Awareness class. From the very proposal of including the said subject in the list, suggestions poured out on how it will be delivered and the scope it will cover. With limited time though, concerns were sought to be designed for a long-term outputs in character and perspectives of the students.
Film review of Mga Munting Tinig (Small Voices) was included as the introductory part of the subject of which goals were met during the small group discussion. Philippine issues in its own context from an array of aspects were also discussed.
Global warming, as a worldwide environmental concern, was also dealt. To recognize the human activities causing greenhouse gases accumulation and in turn, global warming, an outside activity was designed for the students. The third year high schools were brought to an area near neglected dumpsite outside the ADF. They were allowed to observe the local scenario until some have developed an initiative to clean and segregate the wastes. With an assumption that the visit will induce initiative among students to resolve environmental issues, bamboo sticks were prepared to aid the cleaning activity.

And these are the students of Sapang Palay in action! Because we, in simple ways, can make a change…  

John Mark Katindig Torres  

Friday, April 29, 2011

Small Voices/ Mga Munting Tinig

I handled the Social Awareness class with the third year HS during our Summer Enhancement Program 2011 in Assumption Development Foundation. Film review of Mga Munting Tinig (Small Voices) was included as the introductory part of the subject of which goals were met during the small group discussion. Philippine issues in its own context from an array of aspects were also discussed.

Confronting the most disturbing educational, social and political issues of the Philippines makes the film truly incomparable and praiseworthy. The story started with an internal conflict of the main character, Melissa Santiago (Alessandra de Rossi), narrator and teacher in the film, as she was assigned to the far-flung area of Malawig. Fresh out of city college, of course, she found it hard to live her life in the rural setting. As she decided not to go with her mom in the states, she learned and realized her real mission, the true calling of service of a teacher. Her idealism brought her towards an indisputable passionate character one can barely see in typical movies.

It’s a story of struggle; struggle as Melissa tried to resolve a deep-rooted issue of apathy, disdain, corruption (local education system). Not mentioning the mounting political climate recruiting the fathers and sons of the barrio. Cultural obstacles were all before her eyes.


Mrs. Pantalan- the Principal who became passive of the educational system in the Philippines. With this, she stuffed her pockets with extra earnings by selling ice candy to her students.

Ma’am Fe- the incompetent English teacher with “tomatos”, “potatos” and “fee and ep”;

Ma’am Solita- the plump teacher who practiced authority with her students in appropriate ways;

Apathetic Parents who have resigned to the bitter fate of poverty;

Insurgents (Taong-Labas) who put their lives at stake for some kind of change (violent way); and

Ma’am Melissa who by all means, amidst all adversaries from teachers’ incompetence to the parents’ dispiritedness, from ever-failing government support to the menacing monsoon rains, addressed the problems she herself never thought would bring about the start of change.

It’s not simply a moving and heart-warming movie. The messages it conveyed, the characters portrayed, and the issues discoursed are exemplary. The power of change in outlooks and perspectives in life indeed turns the world upside down. Whenever struggles get on our ways, never lose hope and strive to resolve the issues it covers.

The Small Voices actually referred to the insights and idealistic spirit of the children of Malawig. In the midst of war dangers, corrupt school personnel and hopeless parents, these students project positive attitude towards life, dreams and future.

The following are some of my students’ comments:

"Nowadays, our country is facing different societal issues. Education system is the most alarming."
-Wendy Arceo

"The film gives me a glimpse of the children’s experiences living in a rural community. Simple yet full of hardships."
-Vella Gamata

"We can’t deny that our country faces Poverty."
-Roma Jean Bulan

"The movie was not produced for profit alone but to reveal the reality- that the diseases of this country are getting worse."
“Poverty is not an obstacle in pursuing our dreams”
-Patricia Ann Divino

"The movie serves as an inspiration to me and a source of hope; that I can also help in solving social problems."
-Julyn Roselle Formaran

John Mark Katindig Torres

Friday, April 15, 2011

Workshop on Teaching Styles and Classroom Management SEP 2011

In preparation for the fast-approaching Summer Enhancement Program, the very first Workshop on Teaching Styles and Classroom Management was held last April 14, 2011. The objectives of the said workshop were:
1.      To create an awareness of different classroom management styles;
2.      To incorporate new methodologies for a creative and interactive work in classroom teaching; and
3.      Prepare educational aids and modules in compliance with the guidelines and talks.

Just as people have individual learning styles; teachers also have different teaching styles that work best for them. It is imperative therefore for the facilitators to be aware of different approaches in delivering lessons and instructions. Although, there could be no standard approach to teaching, there are surely certain strategies worth-mentioning.

With more than a hundred students to expect during SEP, more than 25 college students volunteered as facilitators and started their free service by participating with the said seminar. All were delighted to have Kamille Legazpi (BA Linguistics, PUP), Glen Lagunsad (BEEd, St. Joseph College), Jessa Carpio (BSEd English, St. Joseph College) and Sidney Garzon (BSEd English, NCBA) as the invited speakers.

The morning part was devoted for teaching strategies, classroom management and different approaches to students. The afternoon session was designed for the actual module preparation wherein the facilitators had their modules checked and consulted with the speakers. All in all, the whole day seminar was filled with enthusiasm, service-inspired talks and fun.

John Mark Katindig Torres

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Darwin and Emma

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Gemini 2011

Upon introduction of another zodiac sign, there have been a lot of changes with our grown-up astrological chart. Well, even before, am really confused with mine. I was born on 21st of June and literature, at least most, suggests that I am under the guiding Twins. However, there are some stating I belong to the 4th sign, Cancer. Well, my personality fits the former, haha.
I once again stumbled across a note on a calendar about the Gemini. Here it goes:
Geminis  are fascinated by variety, changes of situations, events and movement. Quick retorts and clever tongue are basic Gemini equipment. Geminis have the ability to land on their feet in any type of situation, and to learn from it. You need a great deal of fresh air, outdoor recreation and changes of face.
Guiding Star: Mercury
Lucky Gem: Pearl of Purity
Lucky Day: Wednesday
Birth Flower: Rose for Devotion
Whatever our zodiac signs suggest, they should not hinder any of our plans. We are still the masters of our fate. It should be a fascinating fact if it indeed fits who we are and suggest nothing against if  it does not. Well horoscopes which may serve as guidance for some should serve the same purpose; just a mere entertaining fact. C;
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