Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Gemini 2011

Upon introduction of another zodiac sign, there have been a lot of changes with our grown-up astrological chart. Well, even before, am really confused with mine. I was born on 21st of June and literature, at least most, suggests that I am under the guiding Twins. However, there are some stating I belong to the 4th sign, Cancer. Well, my personality fits the former, haha.
I once again stumbled across a note on a calendar about the Gemini. Here it goes:
Geminis  are fascinated by variety, changes of situations, events and movement. Quick retorts and clever tongue are basic Gemini equipment. Geminis have the ability to land on their feet in any type of situation, and to learn from it. You need a great deal of fresh air, outdoor recreation and changes of face.
Guiding Star: Mercury
Lucky Gem: Pearl of Purity
Lucky Day: Wednesday
Birth Flower: Rose for Devotion
Whatever our zodiac signs suggest, they should not hinder any of our plans. We are still the masters of our fate. It should be a fascinating fact if it indeed fits who we are and suggest nothing against if  it does not. Well horoscopes which may serve as guidance for some should serve the same purpose; just a mere entertaining fact. C;


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