Monday, March 21, 2011

My First Philo Class in ADF

Last Friday, I attended Madam’s Philo Class. When I visited her a day before, she asked me if I could attend the said class and with no hesitations I immediately said “YES” in reply. I always thought of joining the group even when I was still in college but there were spatial and temporal constraints. I was really longing for small forums that will deal with matters we don’t usually encounter in school. Well, I love hearing different points of view and new perspectives from other people may it be of my age group or not. It would really be a great deal to engage ourselves into such deep analysis for an instance on a certain issue. For a student who’s been sick and tired of the usual school routines, the said class may serve as a way to relax and at the same time, feed the mind (with not the usual mind-contorting inquiries). The night was dedicated to some sort of human evolution from Discovery Channel. We watched a very informative video and had an indeed amazing discussion filled with awe about related matters (while consuming delicious spaghetti prepared by none other than Madam c;). The topic was made relevant as we compare it with the naturally-occurring phenomena in the world today (with shared curiosity on some stuff). Here’s my blog on the points raised in both the film and my co-scholars as well.


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