Tuesday, March 8, 2011

UERM Results 2011-2012

UERM aspirants, the results of the qualified applicants for academic year 2011-2012 are now posted in the bulletin. Well, I haven’t seen it personally because I was actually waiting for any updates in PinoyMD forums until finally someone posted captured images at her multiply account http://ilovetoni00.multiply.com/photos/album/401/UERM_College_of_Medicine_2011_Admission_List. Great thanks to you dear! Thank you so much for posting.  The result somehow minimized certain apprehensions. Whew…

I called UERM at 713-3315 to confirm if I indeed got a slot in their college and thanks God I made it through (And it’s another Whew… I guess, c;). Am hoping that the same thing will happen to my application in UP (Oh please…)


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