Wednesday, March 9, 2011

UP Class 2016

Today is Ash Wednesday so my mother and I went to the church early this morning (see my blog at MIST: Because I wonder Why and How). Our family will host the seven-day rosary with Virgin Mary in our place. The figure will be coming from my Aunt who has been a host for the visitation. I was at home waiting for my mom, my Aunt and the church people to bring Mama Mary and say welcoming prayers and rituals when a batchmate of mine sent me a message to inform me about the result in UP Medicine. I was actually in great awe. I didn’t know what to do so I immediately went to our altar and gave thanks and praise to Black Nazarene, our family patron. I surfed the net and found out that my name ‘s indeed in the list. Woooohoooo... Thank you Lord! Yeah! I can’t believe how I made it. With tough competition, I wasn’t expecting myself to get into the final list but I was deadly hoping that the universe would conspire. You know what I mean? Now everything’s working so well. God’s been so good to me, super. It felt like winning from a lottery. But I know that it’ll only be the start of what seems to be the longest journey of my life.
Here’s the link:
For UPCM Class 2016, see you all batchmates!


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