Monday, March 14, 2011


Last Friday, I went to UP Manila to finally confirm myself in the list of qualified applicants for Class 2016. Ate Cherry handed me my most awaited letter so far along with instructions, record chart, student directory, PE permits  and list of activities and schedules. Still astonished by the result, I read it right in front of her not noticing she’s actually telling me the next step to be done, haha.. Anyway, today, I went back to submit my confirmation slip and the pro forma letter of consent. I also inquired some other things.
After dealing with some matters in the Admission Office, I set off directly to PGH to inquire in their Health Service. Wow- one word I said to myself. I was once again filled with awe when I entered the PGH. I hurried down the hallway, asked for directions; all were busy; busy with their stuffs, matters, concerns, crying, and chitchats. There were orderlies and nurses moving in and out from various departments, gurneys assisted by staffs and everybody seemed to be in a hurry (probably because it’s already lunch time). It made me wonder then that my next goal should be to be an intern of this government hospital which I reckon would never cease to amaze me. Two guards and an orderly then finally the Health Service Unit! Few more minutes of waiting and then amiable staffs entertained my concerns for my immunization records and other requirements. Students, doctors and other personnel were also in queue inquiring with different concerns and records. I am not certain enough if files are already kept in computerized system but it seems like the HS staffs were still in the traditional folders, envelopes and boxes (heaven forbids). Time in hospitals is a luxury they won’t always have (and so the systems and operations should as much as possible be accurate and fast).


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