Sunday, February 20, 2011

An Overnight Stay in Intramuros: The Transient

               Yesterday’s an incredible day for me. I went to Intramuros, Manila to find a place to stay overnight for the following day’s exam in the University of the City of Manila (College of Medicine).  It was more or less 2 1/2-hour trip from Bulacan. I entered the walled-city through an ingress just in front of the City Hall. It’s always a great feeling to explore such a wonderful ancestral place but I won’t dwell on that matter for now.  With an unsteady gait, I walked inside the area and search for an apartment. I strolled through small avenues and corners of every street; there were many food stalls and carinderia and some old establishments that have remained standing for years. Some lanes were flooded by stinky left-overs and trashes [how I wish the local officials exert some effort regarding these] of which I found a good breathing exercise must be practiced, reminding me then those times when I was still part of a school choir [holding a lungful of air for a moment and controlling gradual inhale-exhale process]. I was indeed holding my breath as I struggle to cross and stride over some areas in the place until I found a row of commercial residences. Inquiring was far easier than walking through the streets [laughs..] and it was a relief when I finally found a place to stay. It took me almost an hour waiting for the landlady to show where I will be spending the night so I chose to take an early dinner. There was a carinderia in the first floor and I was wondering if the next two floors are for rent until I was lead to a typical student room upstairs by the landlady. Again, it stinks [laughs...] but had no other options to take so I need to grab the offer or else...hmmm...

                It was a four-cornered room with two double-decks and a small storage area. She told me that I’ll be the only one to occupy it for the night and that I should feel free to ask her boy for some needs. The stay will cost me a hundred and fifty pesos which I gave immediately before she left the room. I was planning to take a simple tour outside but I decided not to. Anyway, I still have to prepare for tomorrow’s exam and have enough rest. I was about to sleep at 9 when I heard not from afar videoke songs. Downstairs was crowded with people singing also and I couldn’t sleep [how I wish I brought my ear plugs, sighs...] It was really horrible; my eyes popped and my eardrums almost broke, I swear. The music, well actually the noise emanated just below my bed. All head turns, body curls, twists and the like; I did all of these but I really couldn’t manage to sleep and all I was thinking is whether I’ll still be able to take the exam the next day. It was 2:30a.m. when all of the stores decided to cease operations [operation sleep interference, grrr...] and I was very thankful, at least. I couldn’t sleep with lights on but I was forced by the circumstance because when I tried to turn it off, cockroaches came flying and creeping in the room and they’re disgusting, argh... [ I even heard squeaking mice]. It was 5 when I rose up and started preparing myself to do morning routines as fast as I can and leave the place, huh [far more relieving (laughs)].


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