Thursday, February 3, 2011

UERMMMC Interview

Yes! Finally, I am already in the interview phase and am more than excited. Last January 22, I’ve received a text message from UE regarding my application status and yesterday, I had my interview in UERM (University of the East Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Medical Center). A resident doctor/ professor inquired about my personal information, family and social relationships, experiences in school and all other stuffs in an aim to know me better. I am not that sure of the number of applicants and also the number of students they will admit for the next school year but regardless of the number of my contenders against the precious slot, I gave my best shot in answering all of her questions. It was a structured interview. My interviewer was Dr. Zotomayor from the Dept. of Pharmacology. She’s holding with her a two-page questionnaire from which she followed a series of questions. The usual tell me something about yourself, family, friends, groups etc. were the basic questions. In preparation for my interviews, I prepared anticipated questions and dealt with answers that will appear between being idealistic and realistic. I was wondering that for such encounter, I must play and present myself in between being an ideal and sensible. For an instance, she asked me about my stand on this situation:

Suppose I am on a paralyzed state or my patient is, what should I do?
I thought of it for a while and told her that, even if the tests have ascertained that the case of my patient is helpless, I should still strive to do my best to extend my patient’s life. In the advent of technological advancements, we can utilize resources to prolong his life. It’s not because Euthanasia isn’t legal here, it’s actually a question of the doctor’s principle. My patient’s life may be lost during the process (that would be in case of malfunctions) but not because I will intend to. Besides, it’s a doctor’s principle to save lives.
After saying this, she commended me regarding my stand and I feel like, surprised myself that I was able to express my point. I know that an interviewee’s goal is to impress the interviewer but as I ponder on my answers on situational questions (abortion and euthanasia), I realized that I should always hold on to my stand and develop my own principle in life not because I want them to feel like astonished but because I know for myself that I am living my principle. When I mentioned about our foundation, she was surprised to know that the scholars are not just receiving financial help but more of personality development; that ours is not the usual scholarship alone. During the interview proper, I see to it that she will find me not only as an aspiring doctor but as a socially-conscious member of the community. Well, I am hoping that it will reflect in the results.


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